Significant exciting announcements and updating will be made on this website by February 16, 2025. In the meantime, the information is relatively current until the site goes down for about two days to make these changes and updates.
The emerging national movement to transform undergraduate education in engineering (TUEE) requires a radical shift from lectures and other forms of traditional passive learning. The TUEE Collaboratory features a highly collaborative student-centered active learning model that features interdisciplinary, team-based, open-ended problem solving and project learning involving real-world situations, often with real customers and real potential employers, throughout the undergraduate experience. All access, diversity and inclusion issues would be addressed systematically as well and embedded from the outset. The TUEE Collaboratory model fosters a student-centered, professional practice experiential learning environment for Transforming Undergraduate Education in Engineering/computer science (TUEE). The first cohort of students will graduate in June 2027 at each lead University that would establish each regional TUEE Collaboratory.
The Solutions
Operating Framework | Innovative Features | Strategic Partners
Student Professional Practice Scholars (SPPS)

SPPS – a diverse cohort of second and third-year honors students majoring in BME, CpE, CS, EE, or ME with 3.0+ GPAs would be fully established by mid-October 2025 with an initial cohort of about 100 honors students attending the inaugural Day on Campus with Strategic Partners (SPs) event in early-November 2025. The SPPS cohort provides the student teams for all student-centered projects, programs, activities and events beginning with the fall term 2025 and throughout the entire two-year project. The size of the SPPS cohort would be scaled accordingly throughout the project to be completed by June 2027. The TUEE Collaboratory model is designed so that each student participates in many interdisciplinary student-centered team based open-ended problem solving activities and design projects throughout their undergraduate experience. They will enter their chosen professional workplace as a practicing engineer / computer scientist.
No Disruption of Current Academic Programs
Except for the four-course academic design spine, the TUEE Collaboratory model is a large student-centered experiential education program with no changes required by The University in currently planned academic programs, courses, activities or events throughout the entire two-year proposed project. During the two-year pilot, only the few students and faculty directly involved in the TUEE Collaboratory effort would be affected.